Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Week 9 (11 weeks pregnant): I Have to Admit It’s Getting Better

After feeling so sickly for the last entire month, I felt gutted and miserable. Was this really what pregnancy is like? This is what I’ve been dreaming of for years? What the hell is wrong with me? I felt very, very down, and felt like I would never get better or feel like myself again. Luckily, my 11th week of pregnancy marked the beginning of a Renaissance of sorts in that my energy levels were finally starting to rise a little, and the constant nausea that had made the last month of my life living hell had finally gone. Just like that, it was just gone one day. I woke up expecting to feel like puke once again, but was so overjoyed to find that I felt relatively normal that I felt like clicking my heels and whistling a happy little tune.

By this time, I had told more people the news. Around 9 weeks, I had called into work so much that I thought people would start becoming suspicious, so I posted a brief note on Facebook announcing my pregnancy (and of course told the rest of my family before doing so). As gossipy as people are at work sometimes (I do work with mostly women), I figured that it would only be a matter of days before everyone knew about it. Apparently I was mistaken, because I ended up just having to tell people over and over, which was kind of awkward. I’m not normally the type of person who likes to draw attention to herself (not that I’m shy, but I just feel weird about it), so it was kind of hard for me to find a way to work it into conversation. Still, it was kind of a relief not having to keep it a big secret anymore, and people at work were a little more understanding about my frequent absences. Now I was just ready to get my first ultrasound to make sure its little heart was beating away and it wasn’t missing any of its head or anything (I have an irrational fear of having an anencephaly baby). Next week couldn’t come soon enough.

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